Neko / Cat Inspired Headphones by AxentWear

Are you loving the headphones featured above? They are a new type of headphones that have been inspired by neko which means cat in Japanese. At first, I fell in love with the style of the headphones: the cat ears, the fact that they light up, and they look like they are high quality. What I didn’t know is that the actual portion of the cat ears have built in speakers that allows you to play music out of them to your friends. So, these headphones are versatile in the fact that you can listen to your music silently, or share with friends. Continue reading this article to find out how you can obtain these awesome headphones for yourself.

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MMORPG Terminology

Upon the sight of my Horde symbol painted onto my schoolbag, my friend at college said to me So you play video games?  I replied with Yeah.  He asked What types of video games do you play?  and I said MMORPG’s.  and he asked What does that stand for?  I answered his question with Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games.  But that got me thinking, at one point in time, each of us was considered a “noob” whether we like the term or not.  Thus, I decided to start a list of common MMORPG term.  Use this list to your advantage so you don’t look like a noob in your game 🙂

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