Neko / Cat Inspired Headphones by AxentWear

Are you loving the headphones featured above? They are a new type of headphones that have been inspired by neko which means cat in Japanese. At first, I fell in love with the style of the headphones: the cat ears, the fact that they light up, and they look like they are high quality. What I didn’t know is that the actual portion of the cat ears have built in speakers that allows you to play music out of them to your friends. So, these headphones are versatile in the fact that you can listen to your music silently, or share with friends. Continue reading this article to find out how you can obtain these awesome headphones for yourself.

The Beginning and Specs

AxentWear started out with this prototype depicted to the right. They were originally going to go with an on-the-ear styled headphone, but later changed their mind after how much feedback they got. Even though this was just their first prototype, you can still get a pretty good idea of what the finished product is similarly going to look like.

In the second photo shown to the left, it is supposed to be pretty much what the finished product will look like. However, we can only assume this is another prototype since AxentWear, still, has yet to release their Kickstarter page to the public.

AxentWear released their specs information September 7, 2014 in regards to their headphones. Here is the actual specs that AxentWear has released to the public:

• 40 mm driver
• 20 Hz to 20 KHz frequency response
• 15-30 ounces in weight
• USB charging or 3.5 mm Jack included

After reading these specs, obviously AxentWear is still making some decisions and there is no telling when they will be releasing their Kickstarter page. The last word about their Kickstarter page was the same date when they released the specs (September 7, 2014) when they released the specs. On their Tumblr page, along with their other social media sites, they stated We’re getting very close to launching our Kickstarter!

One other thing I would like to include before leaving this section is AxentWear also stated September 7, 2014 “Due to copious feedback, we have changed Axent from on-the-ear to over-the-ear, and added a small microphone to the cable.”


The photo to the right depicts a prototype of AxentWear’s headphones. The headphones will come in a variety of colors. So far, it looks like bright cyan blue and red are going to be two definite color choices out of the many to choose from. In addition to blue and red, it appears as though AxentWear may also be releasing these headphones in fuchsia and neon green. I’m sure they have more colors to choose from that they are keeping private right now.

If you find out what colors they will be releasing them in before I do, please leave me a comment below. ♥ ♥ ♥


You can read AxentWear’s FAQs word-for-word on their Tumblr page HERE. I’m just shortening it.

Q: How much will the headphones cost?

A: Apparently they’ve decided on $115.

Q: Will AxentWear ship internationally?

A: Yes.

Q: Do the cat ear speakers actually work?

A: Yes.

Q: Will they come in multiple colors?

A: Yes.

Q: Will they be wireless? Come with a mic? LED Lights? LED lights that change colors?

A: Apparently, these properties all depend on how much money AxentWear will raise through their Kickstarter. According to comment posts on their Facebook, they’re debating making them wired or wireless. I suggested making both to please both customers. We have officially confirmed now that the headphones will come with a built in microphone. However, they state that the microphone will be built in to the “cable” so does this mean that they are going to go wired?

Where do I get these?!?!?

You can now pre-order these headphones at AxentWear on IndieGoGo. Why AxentWear decided to make a poor choice and choose IndieGoGo over Kickstarter to do their crowd-funding campaign is beyond me, but whatever because that’s just my opinion and what the hell, you can pre-order them now. Just make sure that you if you do purchase them that you are ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY SURE YOU WANT THEM BECAUSE INDIEGOGO WILL NOT REFUND YOU YOUR MONEY! Hence, that reason along is why I personally hate IndieGoGo and like Kickstarter much better, because if something happens where you need that money back, you can get your money back as long as you do so before the end of the funding date. AxentWear has their pre-order expectation date set to April 2015. Of course, this could change, but hopefully it doesn’t.

As of right now, AxentWear is only offering the headphones in four different colors: blue, red, green, and purple. They also released a little “information trailer” on the headphones so you can get a better idea of everything.


Affiliations: Pixel Imperfect is NOT Affiliated with AxentWear nor Indeigogo

Please note that Pixel Imperfect is NOT affiliated with AxentWear in any way, shape, or form. We do not make any money by writing this blog article (unless money is donated to us). Pixel Imperfect simply finds things that we think are cool, exciting, important, etc. and we like to blog about those things and spread the word.

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