DeathShiva’s Den


About Me: Hello, I mainly go by the name of DeathShiva (pronounced deth-shee-vah), but have also gone by Ilithiya in the past.  I am currently 23 years old and live in Pennsylvania, USA.  As much as I’d like to tell everyone that I have an awesome life; I don’t.  My main job is working part-time at a supermarket at the Customer Service desk (but hey, I’m making more money there than I would be at GameStop across the street).  I’ve also been trying to work on a small, online business where I sell my handmade jewelry as well as other handmade items, however I feel as though I don’t have enough inventory to officially launch my web store.  In addition to all of that, I also attend college full-time studying Computer Technology and I’m hoping to graduate December 2014 or earlier.  I have an amazing boyfriend, Desouled (who is in most of my gaming videos) a.k.a. PsychoKilla, who supports me in any way he can.  My little companions (a.k.a. pets) are my adorable Tuxedo cat, Odin (male), and two cute budgies/parakeets; one who is green with yellow tips, Gannicus (male), and the other blue with white tips, Shiva (female).

Gaming Experience: Let me start off by saying, I love video games!  I actually have my father to thank for getting me hooked on video games in the first place.  He was the one who taught me how to play video games the moment I could control a computer mouse and hold a Nintendo controller at the age of 5 (literally, no joke).  I usually play on the PC, but also love to play games on my iPhone.  I would have to say that my favorite types of games are First Person Shooters, MMORPGs, Puzzles, and RPGs.

Other Hobbies:  I absolutely love arts, crafts, and DIY projects; working with my hands is something I really enjoy doing.  I also like to read during whatever spare time I have, if any.  I don’t read much anymore considering the only time my nose can be in a book is with a textbook for college.  I love almost everything about computers on the IT side of things (not programming).  If you read the “About Me” section, you will notice that I am a body piercing apprentice.  I love piercings and tattoos.  I currently have 19 body piercings and 3 tattoos and am looking to get more in the future.  Blogging has become a more recent interest for me.  I started to really love writing once I got to college and blogging is just an extra step to my love for writing.


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